Dentist Fluoride Treatment: Is It Really Necessary?

Dentist Fluoride Treatment: Is It Really Necessary?

December 1, 2022

What Is Fluoride Treatment?

It is a preventive treatment protocol that helps protect teeth from bacteria and acids that cause dental cavities. Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that helps build strong teeth. Ideally, you should obtain fluoride from natural sources like food and water. However, the amount of fluoride your teeth absorbs from natural sources is insufficient to keep your teeth strong. Therefore, every once in a while, you should consider fluoride treatment.

How Is Fluoride Applied?

Fluoride treatment is among the simplest dental protocols in dentistry. It enriches your teeth with a higher concentration of fluoride than is present in natural sources. First, your dentist in Watsonville will clean your teeth to remove plaque and food residue on the surface. Afterward, (s)he will apply the treatment to your teeth. It features a yellowish varnish, paste, or gel. The dentist will allow the varnish to sit on your teeth for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off.

What Happens After Fluoride Treatment?

Immediately after a fluoride treatment at Watsonville Family Dental, you can leave the dental office. However, you cannot eat anything. Ideally, we recommend avoiding food for the first six hours after treatment. Instead, consider taking fluids and soft foods. The goal is to allow the fluoride to have as much contact with your natural teeth as possible. Therefore, you should also not brush your teeth for the first six hours. If anything, wait until 24 hours before you brush your teeth.

Why Is Fluoride Important for Dental Health? 

Fluoride treatment is not a restorative measure to rebuild damaged teeth. Instead, it ensures your teeth remain healthy. Therefore, you do not require treatments later in life to rebuild or restore your teeth because they are damaged. Still, before beginning your treatment, learn about the various benefits of fluoride to natural teeth:

  1. It can reverse dental cavities – if you get fluoride treatment in Watsonville, CA, in the early stages of cavities development, it can reverse them.
  2. It strengthens teeth – fluoride creates an extra layer of teeth’ enamel, making your teeth stronger.
  3. It contributes to the whitening process of teeth – ideally, fluoride treatment does not whiten teeth. However, it prevents enamel thinning, thus avoiding dentin exposure, which is typically the reason for yellowing teeth.
  4. It reduces the need for restorative treatment protocols in the future. If you get fluoride treatment early, you may never need a tooth extraction, root canal, or dental fillings.
  5. It heightens mineral absorption – the more minerals your teeth can absorb, the healthier they become. Therefore, fluoride treatment re-mineralizes your teeth to improve their health and keep them strong.
  6. It encourages good oral hygiene and boosts general oral health.

So, Is Fluoride Treatment Really Necessary?

If you are still asking the question, is dentist fluoride treatment necessary, consider the following factors:

  1. Children are highly prone to dental cavities between ages 6 and 14 years. Fluoride treatment can help your child get through these years without developing dental cavities.
  2. Premature tooth loss can cause various oral problems, including spaces between teeth and overlapping teeth. Therefore, fluoride treatment can help prevent dental cavities so your child does not have to lose their baby teeth prematurely.
  3. Enamel thinning promotes teeth yellowing and hypersensitivity and makes teeth weak. Therefore. Fluoride treatment helps reinforce teeth’ strength and reduces the chances of enamel thinning.
  4. Underlying health problems can increase your risk of dental cavities. For example, if you have diabetes, you need as much help as you can get to reduce the risk of oral infections.

Are There Any Side Effects to Fluoride Treatments?

Although fluoride treatment in Watsonville, CA, is incredible for supporting and promoting good oral health, there are potential side effects and complications. These are side effects common upon exposure to too much fluoride, typical for patients who administer the treatment by themselves. Some potential side effects are:

  1. Fluorosis – is a dental discoloration featuring white patches or brown stains on teeth after fluoride treatment. The discoloration occurs when children have a high intake of fluoride when they are young, as adult teeth are about to erupt.
  2. Bone homeostasis
  3. Acute fluoride toxicity – leads to symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, and excessive sweating and can be potentially life-threatening.
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