All periodontal treatments work to get rid of the infection and prevent it from spreading. The treatment that your periodontist near you will use will depend on two things: the stage and severity of the infection, and how much damage is done on the gum tissues and the supporting bone.
Several treatments are available that can remove the gum infection and stop further damage to the teeth and bone. However, to understand which treatment is suitable, you have to know what causes gum disease.
Periodontal disease affects the gingivae and causes inflammation, swelling, and pain. The infection occurs in two stages, starting with (gingivitis).
Gingivitis or gum inflammation is reversible and is caused by plaques that accumulate along the gum line. A plaque is a sticky film that buildup in the teeth and harbors disease-causing bacteria. While it is non-destructive, gingivitis can advance to periodontitis if left untreated.
The problem with gingivitis is that it has no obvious symptoms and can easily go unnoticed. The best form of treatment is proper hygiene and getting regular dental cleanings.
As the gum infection spreads it can develop into periodontitis, an advanced form that can cause destruction. The most common sign of the infection is receding gums and gum pockets. In the advanced stage, a dentist near you may result in surgical procedures to address the damage caused.
Other problems that can develop include lingering tooth sensitivity, bright red or purplish gums, gum bleeding, and lost teeth. You may also experience pus accumulation in the gums, formation of gum pockets, and bad breath.
As mentioned the treatment that the dentist will use will depend on the stage and the damage caused by the infection. The treatments include:
1. Phase one treatment: non-surgical procedures
When the gum disease is in the early stages, the dentist will opt for the non-surgical gum disease treatment in Watsonville, CA. The primary focus of these treatments is to reverse the gum infection and prevent future occurrences. They include:
Scaling involves deep cleaning of the gum line and underneath the gums to get rid of tartar accumulation. The dentist will use a scaler and a small mirror for proper viewing to perform the procedure. Although the procedure is pain-free, you may experience slight pressure on the gums during cleaning.
Root planing is often done if you have receding gums. The procedure involves cutting the gums and reattaching them to the tooth surface to restore the appearance.
Often, the dentist will prescribe medication to get rid of the bacteria. The medication is available orally in the form of tablets or applied to the gums.
2. Phase two: surgical procedures
As the gum infection advances, gum pockets will begin to form. These pockets house bacteria and food particles that can cause further damage to the teeth. The most common surgical procedure is pocket reduction surgery.
During the flap surgery procedure, the dentist will cut the gums to access the bone. Often the infection affects the supporting and the periodontist will first reshape it to close any spaces and reattach the gums back.
3. Phase three: grafting procedures
In advanced gum disease, there is loss of bone and gum tissue and as such, the dentist will perform bone and tissue grafting.
For gum grafting, the dentist will take a small tissue matter from the palate or the cheeks and reattach it to the affected area to stimulate new tissue growth.
A bone graft is also similar to tissue grafting, only that the dentist will take bone granules from your body or use the synthetic bone to facilitate bone growth.
Gum disease is preventable with proper dental hygiene. It is also important to get regular dental checkups and cleaning because that is how the dentist can detect early signs of the infection.
Visit Watsonville Family Dental for more information about periodontal treatment in Watsonville, CA, and discuss which treatment is ideal for you.